New BBQ Catering Themes at Nyama in 2015

At Nyama we love keeping it fresh. Following World BBQ Trends is our passion and that’s why every year some new BBQ Catering Themes are born at Nyama. These are mostly menus we keep to ourselves and practise at our own Back garden BBQ Occasions (which is an almost daily occurrence round here). But somewhere someone notices, it becomes public knowledge, and we are kind of forced to offer these to our customers. So the secret is OUT and this year Nyama has the following exciting menu additions: Argentine Asados, Tex Mex Bar-B-Ques, The Churrasco Style Portuguese BBQ and even a German "Grillen" which includes Slow Roasted Smoked Eisbein and other German favourites. These menus will cater for a minimum of 50 guests. Please drop us a mail with as much info possible and we can get a Quote out to you.