

At Nyama we’re certainly not blind to the fact that food lies at the intersection of some of the world’s greatest environmental and societal challenges: from climate change and water depletion to malnutrition and land displacement. People’s health and livelihoods and the health of the planet rely on a food system that respects planetary boundaries and prioritises people’s quality of life.

So, what are we doing about this!?

Responsible purchasing

Providing red meat, poultry, dairy and eggs from sources using practices that conform to high environmental, social and animal welfare standards.

Use seafood from sustainable stocks, promoting fish recommended by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS).

Provide local and seasonal fruit and vegetables, wherever possible.

Promote Fairtrade products.

Cook everything from fresh ingredients.

We do not use artificial colourings or preservatives.

Menu design

Cooking over fire traditionally revolves around meat, something that is and always will be a part of what we do here at Nyama (which is actually Swahili for meat). We are however dramatically reducing the amount of (sustainably sourced) meat in our menus and increasing our meat-free offerings. We even have a 100% meat-free BBQ menu that has proven to be very popular indeed. We do not only encourage a flexitarian diet when it comes to our clients' menu choices but practice it at our own homes as well.  

Energy and carbon reduction

We actively minimise energy and water consumption through efficient administration, equipment selection, usage and disposal, food storage, preparation and cooking.

Waste management

Where there is an unavoidable waste, we will provide and encourage recycling and ensure that dry waste is kept separate from wet waste.

We provide special bins for food waste which gets collected and converted into renewable energy at an anaerobic digestion facility.

We encourage customers to use crockery instead of disposables and provide reusable/recyclable/biodegradable products. We will actively look at ways to reduce the amount of waste material we generate by engaging with our suppliers regarding packaging and encourage suppliers to adopt re-usable crates.